Friday, December 29, 2006


At this time of year we like to Spare a thought for the "Weirpigs" of this world, like Kevin Bacon, Kiefer or Tubbs from the league of gentlemen by attaching sellotape to our noses then photoshopping it out.
Voila! Le Weirpig magnifique!

Monday, December 18, 2006


The Chinese Jewish Scottish Artist formally known as Meng MacMengstein has today sold her masterpiece "Circle of fools"
for an estimated $15.7 gazillion at Sotheby's New York. She was unavailable for comment after being arrested in connection
with the murder of two hitchhikers in the Hoboken area.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Licking the turtle

Scientists at Cambridge University have discovered that licking a turtle slows the earth's rotation speed by 000000000000000.253 mph. This gravitational distortion is thought to increase fertility in laboratory mice therefore having a knock on effect in the productivity of small to medium sized shampoo manufacturers in North Wales UK.
Proffessor Mike Rotch was unavailable for comment.

Friday, November 17, 2006


Shot entirely on videophone. Clipperface the movie is now available
online and will soon be available on DVD price $12.5 billion.
The mise en scène is set in New York in the year 2137. Our protagonist
deals with hate, poverty,rejection and a cruel addiction to those
metal clips you get in staples.

Clipper face

Q. What happens when you walk down 5th Avenue with a bunch of clips attached to your face?
A. New Yorkers think it's normality.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The i-banana

New York (Thursday 16th, 2006) – The launch of the iBanana a 4GB hard-drive based music player designed to challenge the market dominance of the iPod.
Light weight and banana sized, the device, which is being manufactured by Idiot sans savant of Ultimate Prosperity Electronics in Guangdong province China, is expected to capitalize on the burgeoning demand for natural products that’s been seen across a variety of product categories.
Slated to hit retail on Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year, analysts are already expecting it to light up the holiday shopping season.
“Frankly, we thought the combination of a solid-state music device and a potassium rich, fat free food was unbeatable.” said Stephen Rutterford, inventor of the iBanana.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

military nerd

purple monkey nerd